Laure is a sophisticated fragrance brand known for its luxurious and contemporary collection of perfumes. Combining elegance with innovation, Laure creates captivating scents that resonate with modern tastes while maintaining a timeless charm. Each product is crafted with precision, using high-quality ingredients to deliver a unique and memorable experience.
2908 Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz Road, Olaya, Riyadh 12241, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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Opening Hours
Open Now
9:30am - 11:00pm
9:30am - 11:00pm
9:30am - 11:00pm
9:30am - 11:00pm
3:00pm - 11:00pm
9:30am - 11:00pm
9:30am - 11:00pm
January 15, 2025
8:12 pm
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